What Kind of Teeth Can Be Fixed with Smile Makeover Treatment?

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Smile makeover treatments are becoming more popular these days. These procedures, which can include teeth whitening, veneers, orthodontics, bonding and contouring, tooth-colored fillings, and restorations like bridges or crowns, focus on improving the overall appearance of your smile.

So, what kind of teeth can be fixed with a smile makeover in Haslet, TX? The short answer is almost any teeth. Dr. Luke Riley and the trained team at Riley Dental can address stained teeth, cracked or chipped teeth, gaps between teeth, misaligned teeth, and even missing teeth using advanced dental techniques. Call now to book an appointment and start your journey toward a beautiful, confident smile.

Stained teeth

Teeth can become stained or discolored due to age, genetics, poor oral hygiene, and certain foods or drinks. While regular dental cleanings may keep your teeth looking bright, a smile makeover can reach deeply set stains and provide long-lasting results.

Depending on the severity of discoloration, Riley Dental may recommend in-office teeth whitening or take-home trays to bring back the natural white shade of your enamel. In-office appointments provide immediate results for a special occasion or event, while take-home trays allow you to whiten at your convenience.

Cracked or chipped teeth

Accidents happen, and unfortunately, our teeth are not immune. Cracked and chipped teeth can happen from a fall or when biting down on hard objects. These issues may impact your smile, but they also affect your oral health if left untreated. Smile makeover treatments like dental bonding can repair and restore damaged teeth. Those with larger or more severe cracks may require dental crowns to provide added protection and support.

Gaps between teeth

Some people embrace their natural gaps between teeth, but for others, it can lead to self-consciousness and insecurity. Whether caused by genetics or misalignment, gaps can be fixed through orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces or clear aligners move your teeth into place and close gaps over time. In some cases, veneers or bonding can be used to cover up small gaps and create a uniform look.

Misaligned teeth

Misaligned teeth, also known as malocclusion, can cause day-to-day problems like difficulty chewing and speaking. A smile makeover can address these issues through orthodontic treatment or clear aligners. During a consultation in Haslet, TX, Dr. Riley or a member of our dental staff will assess your case and determine the best possible course of treatment to straighten your smile. Cosmetic options like veneers or bonding can also help in minor cases.

Missing teeth

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we may lose a tooth due to injury or decay. Filling the gap is important not just for your appearance but to maintain the integrity of your jawbone and surrounding teeth. Smile makeovers offer a variety of options for missing teeth, such as bridges, dentures, or dental implants. These restorations allow patients to enjoy a full, functional smile once again. Here at Riley Dental, we use the latest technology and materials to provide natural-looking and durable restorations.

Fix your smile with a smile makeover

Ready to transform your smile in Haslet, TX? There is no need to wait any longer. Dr. Luke Riley and our trained team are dedicated to helping patients achieve gorgeous, healthy teeth they can confidently show off. Learn about smile makeover treatments like teeth whitening, veneers, orthodontics, and more. Call Riley Dental to book a smile makeover appointment and take the first step today

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.