Could Porcelain Veneers Ruin My Natural Teeth?

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Many people dislike the way their teeth and smile look. However, this is not something that you have to live with. There are many options if you want to fix the appearance of your teeth, and porcelain veneers work to address multiple issues with this virtually painless procedure. Dr. Luke Riley and his expert team can work to ensure you get the best treatment possible for your goals and needs. Schedule a consultation with Riley Dental in Haslet, TX today.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin and durable shells of ceramic designed to cover and correct the appearance of dental issues and abnormalities. Veneers can bring back the health and function of your teeth. Dr. Riley and his team use minimal-prep veneers to help prevent dental damage and reduce sensitivity after your procedure. Porcelain veneers allow patients to get beautiful, natural-looking teeth.

Do porcelain veneers ruin your natural teeth?

Porcelain veneers are a great option for those who want to address multiple dental issues at once. Veneers can be used to address issues, such as:

  • Cracks

  • Chips

  • Stains

  • Other dental issues

During your appointment, a tiny amount of enamel, less than 1mm, will be removed from your teeth. This allows the porcelain veneers enough room to comfortably sit and adhere to your teeth. However, just because some of the enamel is removed does not mean that your natural teeth are ruined. If you properly care for your veneers and teeth, your natural teeth should stay in good condition.

What should I know about porcelain veneers?

While porcelain veneers work for most people, not everyone is an ideal candidate. For example, if you are a habitual teeth grinder, then porcelain veneer may not be for you. They could crack or become damaged if you grind your teeth. Once you get porcelain veneers, you should avoid chewing on hard objects such as ice, pens, or fingernails. Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, but it is best to reduce the amount of staining foods and drinks you consume. After you eat or drink something that could stain your teeth, it is best to brush and floss.

How are porcelain veneers placed?

Porcelain veneers are placed in just a few easy steps. The first step consists of a consultation to discuss your goals and take an impression of your teeth. Pictures will also be taken to get a complete view of your teeth. At your second appointment, you will be able to see the veneers on your teeth using a vacuum-forming material. The third appointment is where dental preparations will be done. This allows for better adhesion of the veneers to your natural teeth. At your fourth appointment, temporary veneers will be removed, and we will use composite and porcelain bonding technology to adhere your customized veneers to your teeth.

Get porcelain veneers in Haslet, TX

Porcelain veneers are a great option for those who want to fix multiple dental issues at the same time. Veneers will not hurt your natural teeth. Dr. Luke Riley and his team can help you achieve the teeth and smile that you love. Contact Riley Dental in Haslet, TX today for a full consultation on the overall state of your oral and dental health.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.