Can Dental Crowns Help Restore Damaged Teeth?

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Dental crowns are a powerful solution for restoring damaged teeth. Dr. Luke Riley and his highly skilled dental team at Riley Dental specialize in restorative dentistry in Haslet, TX, offering exceptional care and treatments, including dental crowns. These crowns are designed to cover and protect teeth that are cracked, broken, or severely decayed, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a custom-made cap that fits over a damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Made from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, metal, or resin, dental crowns are durable and designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. The process involves:

  • Reshaping the affected tooth
  • Taking an impression
  • Crafting a crown that perfectly fits over the prepared tooth

This protective cap reinforces the tooth and enhances its appearance, making it look as natural as possible.

Can you put a crown on a broken tooth?

Dental crowns are an excellent option for covering and protecting a broken tooth. When a tooth breaks, it can be painful and susceptible to further damage or infection. The dental crown procedure involves cleaning and reshaping the fractured tooth, then placing a temporary crown while the new one is made. Once the crown is ready, it is securely placed over the tooth, restoring its function and appearance. This procedure ensures the tooth remains protected and functional, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile confidently.

The dental crown procedure

The dental crown procedure typically requires two visits to Riley Dental. During the first visit, Dr. Riley will examine and prepare the damaged tooth by removing decay and reshaping it to fit the crown. An impression is then taken to create a custom crown that matches your natural teeth. A temporary crown is placed to protect the tooth while the new one is being made. The temporary crown is removed in the second visit, and the new, custom-made crown is fitted and bonded to the tooth. This process ensures a precise fit and a natural-looking result.

How long do dental crowns last?

Dental crowns are known for their durability and longevity. They can last anywhere from 10 – 15 years, or even longer with proper care. Good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, along with routine dental check-ups at Riley Dental, can help extend the life of your crown. Avoiding habits like teeth grinding and biting on hard objects can also prevent damage to the crown. Dr. Riley and his team provide personalized advice on maintaining dental crowns to ensure they last as long as possible.

Restoring damaged teeth with dental crowns

Dental crowns play a crucial role in restorative dentistry by effectively restoring damaged teeth. Whether dealing with a cracked, broken, or decayed tooth, crowns offer a reliable and aesthetically pleasing solution. They protect the remaining tooth structure and restore its function and appearance, allowing patients to enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile. At Riley Dental, Dr. Riley and his team are dedicated to providing top-quality dental care, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible outcome.

Protecting your dental health with restorative dentistry in Haslet, TX

Dental crowns could be the ideal solution for those experiencing issues with damaged teeth. Dr. Luke Riley and his team at Riley Dental in Haslet, TX are committed to helping patients achieve optimal oral health through restorative dentistry. If you have questions about dental crowns or need to schedule a consultation, contact Riley Dental today to explore options for restoring your smile and protecting your dental health.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.