Summer Smiles and Good Habits
We generally associate summertime with vacations and outdoor recreation. However, summer is also an ideal time to take care of your oral health. If you have a dental problem you’ve been putting off, here’s why you should go to the dentist this summer. The kids are out of school for the summer. You probably have a lot of things on your list for the kids to do: family vacation, pool, beach, hanging out in the hammock, play dates, camp, shopping for school supplies and fall clothing, and maybe even a dental cleaning. What? Dental appointments?
Actually, summer is a great time for a dental cleaning for you and the kids. With the kids out of school, it’s easier to find a time slot that fits your schedule, or at least the kids’ schedule that way you don’t have to pull them from school or schedule the popular afternoon appointment far in advance.
While it’s important to polish up the pearly whites and make sure the plaque and tarter are removed, the cleaning visit is about more than just dental hygiene. The dentist monitors the status and position of the kids’ baby teeth and emerging adult teeth. Sometimes those baby teeth aren’t coming out when they’re supposed to, which can create problems for the adult teeth still in the gums. Regular visits help ensure that a professional is watching the situation to make sure they don’t end up needing an emergency dentist visit later, requiring more extensive treatment! Your dentist will also monitor your kids’ teeth for orthodontic issues that can affect their function and appearance, and make recommendations and referrals when appropriate.
At the cleaning visit, your dentist will check your child’s mouth for existing or developing cavities. If there is a cavity, getting it filled on the earlier side may prevent a bigger problem later. The dentist can also advise you and your kids on the best brushing and flossing techniques, which is a great take-home lesson with a life-long impact on oral health.
There are also beneficial health reasons to visit the dentist. Dentists can perform an oral cancer check, something that’s difficult for parents to do on their own. Oral and physical health are interrelated, according to the Mayo Clinic. It’s important to tell the dentist about any medications you or the kids are taking, for a more complete assessment of your health.
Dentistry has evolved to include many options for families who have individual dental needs. Make the summer dental visit part of your routine. The kids will expect it in the years to come, and you can rest easier knowing that you’re caring for their developing mouths, and giving them the best chance at oral and physical health while doing so.
below are points worth noting as they will make a significant in the long run of establishing good habits for you and your family and summer is a great place to start.
The summer weather can be brutal, but that doesn’t mean you have to be on your teeth. Chewing ice is one of the most common ways to damage tooth enamel, which can lead to chipped or fractured teeth. The last thing you want to deal with on vacation is visiting the dentist for an emergency visit. Instead of chewing ice, try putting a few ice cubes in your favorite summer drink to help keep you cool.
The summer is prime time for sugary beverages. Sugar can have adverse effects on your tooth enamel if not properly removed. If you are looking for the ultimate refresher, try drinking water. Water aids in strengthen the enamel and helps keep you cool and hydrated during the summer heat.
Regular visits to the dentist are key to maintaining a healthy smile all year around. The summertime is the perfect time to schedule your routine dental exam, especially for children. With summer appointments, you don’t have to worry about scheduling your child’s appointment around their school schedule. Similarly, the same applies to college students.
During a routine dental exam, you will receive an in-depth dental cleaning as well s a comprehensive exam. During this time, your dentist can recommend any necessary treatment and schedule your next visit.